Turning Momentum and Acceleration into Trading Gains @ 5:30pm EDT

Turning Momentum and Acceleration into Trading Gains by applying concepts in physics to trading.

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Turning Momentum and Acceleration into Trading Gains


Momentum is a property of physics which many traders apply to technical analysis. In trading, momentum measures the strength of trend. By determining a stock’s momentum, we are able to not only ride high momentum to profits, but also identify changes in momentum for optimal entries.
In physics, acceleration is the second derivative of momentum. Traders have also taken this concept and applied it to chart analysis. Acceleration can show us an early indication of trend change, or a renewed move in the direction of the general trend. By measuring a charts acceleration, we can get an early detection of the short term direction of a security.


Stocks To Watch with: MarketPulse

The Market Pulse plugin is based on the concept of using momentum, acceleration and volatility to help us make successful trading decisions. The famous analyst, Bill Williams used the rate of change of Momentum to create the Awesome Oscillator. Before a trend in price changes, the momentum will change. Detecting this change in momentum provides us with an early indication of trend change.

The MarketPulse Acceleration Indicator is based off of Bill Williams Acceleration/Deceleration Indicator. Williams posited that the direction of momentum will change before price, and that we can determine momentum change by detecting a change in acceleration. The plug-in also uses multiple volatility measurements to help traders in any timeframe.

Learn more about Nirvana's plugin, MarketPulse





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What is Market Pulse Dot Live (MPL)?

MPL is complementary content about trading the current market with some technical analysis education too. 

A typical show covers the following topics:

  • Overview of Today's Broad Market
  • Summary of Groups on the Move
  • Technical Analysis Lesson
  • Stocks to Watch 


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Nirvana Systems has been creating Trading software since the 1990's. Nirvana was founded on the concept of automated trading, our CEO, Ed Downs, fell in love with the potential profits offered by the markets but quickly realized that emotions were getting in the way of success and it was too difficult to find good candidates. Nirvana Systems has been creating software that automates Trading ever since.

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